Join us for The Village Church retreat. Retreats are a special time for the church to get away together for refreshment, renewal, & growth with the community.
WHEN: October 26-28, 2018
WHERE: Skycroft Retreat Center
ADDRESS: 9621 Frostown Road, Middletown, MD
REGISTRATION FEE: $90/person, includes food and lodging
Pay electronically by Paypal by clicking the Buy Now button below:
Pay by cash or check. Place in envelope marked “Fall Retreat” and drop in offering box on Sunday, or mail to PO Box 4822, Baltimore, MD 21211. Make checks out to “Village Church” and put “Fall Retreat” in the memo.
NOTE: Payment for registration is for admittance to the event and is not a charitable contribution to The Village.
CHILDREN: There is no special programming for children. Children 4 and under are free, and do not need to be registered.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Some limited help may be available, so contact us to inquire about that.
Our theme is “Following Jesus Takes . . . “ as we will be led in creative and practical applications of the Christian journey. For those attending, a special Sunday morning worship gathering will be held at the retreat.
Guest Speaker
We are honored to welcome our guest speaker, Dr. Shannon Lamb.
Shannon got her BA in Cultural Anthropology at University of California at Santa Cruz, her MDiv at Biblical Theological Seminary, and Doctor of Ministry in experiential discipleship at “Missio Seminary.” Shannon has worked with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for more than 30 years, and developed leaders in 18 countries. Her passions are experiential learning, and creating spaces where people are transformed by Jesus. She is the wife of OT scholar and author, David Lamb, and mom to two amazing lads: Nate and Noah. Her hobbies include scuba diving, drinking really good coffee, and throwing crazy parties.